Club Leader Forms
This page is for MAWHCC leadership to access club related forms. A club account is required to submit forms.
Please click the gold button below to submit a request to Community Relations.
The purpose of this form is to make a request of the Community Relation Komike related to:
Flyer / Save-the-date / Announcement Requests
Newsletter Article Submissions
Social Media
or any other multimedia requests (stickers, discount coupons, tickets, etc.)
*By default, all applicable creations, once final will be posted on the MAWHCC website, social media platforms, and emailed to the MAWHCC Community.
IMPORTANT: The turnaround time for all requests is 10 days (from the date of request). This gives ample time for your submission to be drafted, edited, and finalized.
REMINDER, if you have pictures or images that you want included in your post, send them as soon as possible to (Please include the event title in the "subject field" ) - Please fill out the form BEFORE sending pictures or images.
Questions? Reach the Community Relations team at