About Us

We preserve and perpetuate the culture and traditions of Hawai'i

Our Mission

Promote, preserve, and perpetuate the Native Hawaiian culture, values, and traditions through activities and events.

Our Vision

Club Motto: “A awe o lehulehu lei ulana pu ia ho’onui ikaika nui alaila ekahi awe ia lei.” 

(A strand of many leis woven together is more powerful than one strand of lei).

Club Colors: wintergreen and Yellow

Club flower: Maile

Club Song: “Wakinekona” written by Louis “Moon” Kauakahi

MAWHCC Constitution


Founder of the Hawaiian 

Civic Club Movement

Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole

Learn more about Prince Kūhiō and the foundation of Hawaiian Civic Clubs: https://aohcc.org/history/

Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs 

The AHCC is the oldest community based grass roots Hawaiian organization, formed in 1918 by the non-voting Delegate to the US Congress Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole.  It is the only Hawaiian organization with branch clubs outside the State of Hawai‘i.

AHCC conducts an annual convention in October/November to deliberate issues important to the Hawaiian people and adopt resolutions to be acted upon at the city, county, state or federal level.

MISSION: “Effectively advocate for the educational, civic, health, cultural, economic and social wellbeing of our lahui (Hawaiian nation or people)”.  

OBJECTIVES (condensed and paraphrased):

GROW LEADERS.  Native Hawaiians must be leaders in government and boardrooms making decisions that impact our kulaiwi (homeland) and our lahui and AOHCC is a training ground for this purpose.

AMPLIFY THE VOICE OF THE LAHUI. Our advocacy must be consistent, credible and effective to include our perspectives and visions to shape decision making and outcomes that serve the best interests of the lahui.

RAISE A RESILIENT LAHUI.  We must diligently care for our land and resources to sustain our people today and build a resilient lahui in the future. 

FORGE AHEAD WITH FORESIGHT.  Prince Kuhio had a vision of what the lahui needed then and in the future. AOHCC must be forward thinking by fortifying our internal structure to sustain this movement for the next 100 years.

Na Lei Makalapua 

(Mainland Council)  

(Mainland Council Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs | USA (mcahcc.com)

Na Lei Makalapua (Mainland Council) has jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Civic Clubs chartered in the continental US and Alaska.